At the weekend, my back seized up rather, not sure why, might also have contributed to why I couldn't see behind me very well... ?!??! Anyway, I went to see Cindy McIntyre, a brilliant osteopath at The Letchworth Osteopathic & Sports Injury Clinic - well what a difference. It would appear that nerves and anxiety contributing to my shoulders being somewhere near my ears when I'm riding have caused the tension in my neck and shoulders, probably compounded by my helmet which whilst a great helmet, designed more for the road and much heavier than those designed for off-road. A bit of compression going on....... Thanks Cindy for freeing me up immensely! I thought I needed a new helmet - now I know for sure. I wonder if I can get a pink one - have a dearth of pink on my far!
For those of you, that followed the early blog, you'll know that I have 'form' as it were with radiators - having broken one fairly early on in an expedition with OTT in the Peaks last year. An admittance, I have started reading the bike press again, I stopped a few months ago I was seriously wondering if I'd bitten off more than I could chew (still wonder that but not nearly so often). Along with being seriously impressed and inspired by the riders and the stories, one also picks up some handy tips along the way. I discovered earlier this week that some special stuff called metal putty exists - for radiator incidents - how cool is that. Of course, I hope not to need it, however having been a girl guide 'be prepared' is the motto. I'm beginning to think about what one needs to carry, water, camera, smartphone for sending stuff to the blog and FB, make-up, lipgloss, SPFs..... However now being a tiny more savvy maybe there won't be room for my make-up bag(eeek) Looks like there'll be a little bag for special spanners, metal putty, cable ties (!) for bits that might fall off and of course there's bound to be a tiny space for a lipgloss - isn't there!!
Donna returned from a trip with Chris Evans a few days back to Lorien Bois , a really challenging trip - we'll hear about it on Friday. Was chatting with Gary yesterday and he said 'we'll do that next year'. Positive psychology is a brilliant did get me thinking. Maybe just maybe.......
PS. the picture isn't post spill - honest- just a little rest & enjoyment of the view......
Wow, that is a nice story friends.