The Unlikely Enduro
This is the blog about a journey to undertake an Enduro Challenge across the Pyrenees to raise £7500 for Great Ormond Street Hospital and KidsCo, two children's charities very close to our hearts. I am a novice rider, never been off road and have a lot to learn! We set off from near Biarritz on the 7th September 2011 for 3 days and we will be on the bike about 10 hours each day, riding entirely off-road; challenging terrain and as far as I'm concerned a tad frightening too!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Full circle!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
What a difference a month makes ( and 16 other guys!)...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Two to watch.........

We were delighted to meet Barry Smith when we were on our adventure in the Pyrenees to raise money for GOSH and KidsCo,. As the founder of Symprove, a company with a brilliant product and also sponsor of Johnny Walker, who by all accounts is the one to watch in Enduro – we had some fascinating conversations on all fronts!
Few little facts for you:- It’s a multi strain science-based probiotic, contains 4 strains of live activated probiotic bacteria which are active from the moment people drink Symprove and not dairy or dried products. The bacteria are naturally occurring and pasteurised on an extract of germinated barley, that’s 10 billion live, activated probiotic bacteria per 50ml serving. People who drink it are generally IBS or IBD sufferers and it would certainly seem to be the probiotic of the future! One to watch! http://www.symprove.com/blog/
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Magnificent motorsport memorabilia........
When one journey comes to an end another begins. This amazing journey from one cold February morning earlier this year thinking 'I'm going to learn how to ride an off-road bike and ride it somewhere interesting ', to now has been quite incredible.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Icing on the cake......
Monday, September 12, 2011
What goes up - must come down! GUEST POST FROM MR T
What goes up - must come down, there is no such thing as a free lunch, many a mickle makes a muckle, if I knew what the last one meant, that too may also apply to the challenging trip from which we have just returned. The first one is obvious. The 'lunch' in the second refers to the fantastic views we witnessed from the top of various Pyrennean peaks, which you too may have enjoyed in photographic form from the comfort of your PC. You will have realised that the 'no such thing as...' is the treacherous ascent on two wheels, to be followed by an even more hazardous descent!