This is the blog about a journey to undertake an Enduro Challenge across the Pyrenees to raise £7500 for Great Ormond Street Hospital and KidsCo, two children's charities very close to our hearts. I am a novice rider, never been off road and have a lot to learn! We set off from near Biarritz on the 7th September 2011 for 3 days and we will be on the bike about 10 hours each day, riding entirely off-road; challenging terrain and as far as I'm concerned a tad frightening too!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Giving it welly with Si Pavey!

Thursday, June 23, 2011
This time last year......this time in September ?!?!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
An ungainly stop in front of Steve Parrish, advice from Ross Noble and some serious training from Si Pavey!
How did I (as you know a biker of six months) come to an ungainly stop in front of Steve Parrish (MotoGP commentator) and Marc Potter (MCN editor) and end up training with Si Pavey (5 times Dakar winner) in Wales at the suggestion of Ross Noble (very funny man) in order to ride over the Pyrenees with Chris Evans (not of Radio 2)?
The pressure is on and I'm training with Si Pavey 8 times Dakar competitor at the BMW offroad school in Wales this weekend. Mr T is home alone with the girls. I have to admit, I'm freaking out ever so slightly - well I'm nervous anyways. Got a lovely new camelback today (to carry drinks) from Martin and Donna and am sitting here wondering whether water will be strong enough to calm said nerves. I'll be riding a BMW G 650 GS , the biggest bike I've ever ridden is hubby's KTM 400 XC!
You may remember, I came to a rather ungainly stop in the gravel car park of The Queen Adelaide pub in Cambridgeshire. This particular piece of rather inadequate bike handling was in front of not only Steve Parrish (the MotoGP commentator), but also Ross Noble (top comedian and biker), Marc Potter(editor of MotorcycleNews), Billy Ward, working on the Big Africa project with Charley Boorman and many other good and great of the biking world.
Unable to be beamed up in embarrassment or spontaneously combust, I parked up without a spill (just) and was tempted to keep my helmet on!
It was then that Ross Noble quietly suggested that some time with Si Pavey for some serious off road training might be a top idea. So when the opportunity presented itself, I panicked mildly and took it!
As an executive coach, I understand the need to harness both one’s confidence and positivity with technical/ professional expertise and capability. Confidence alone will only get one so far in any environment, be it leading a world class organisation or riding a bike. And my skills and capability on an off road bike are currently still lacking. As Ross Noble will testify!
The reason for all this, as you know, is to be able to ride over the Pyrenees with Chris Evans who works with Cyril Despres, one of the top enduro riders on the planet to raise £7500 for Great Ormond Street Hospital and KidsCo.
Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) will always be important after our eldest daughter was admitted for a benign lipoma in 2005.
Yippee! Little update; we have raised just shy of £3500 through kind donations and also sponsors of logos on the bikes, including Royston-based, GB Racing, Special Little People, a company specialising in aromatherapy for children, Esse Retail and Spa in Melbourn, Torque Racing and Stevenage-based Werx and ZeroNineMX . Support has also been given by OceanOne boutiques in the West Country, DawsonVAServices in Newcastle and Eagle Performance.
The fundraising auction for this challenge is on 30th July at the Queen Adelaide in Croydon. Thanks Michelle for so kindly hosting it. We now have some fab signed childrens books, The Tygrine Cat series by Inbali Iserles.
The next blog after two intensive days of training will either be elation or the polar opposite. I may need to lie in a darkened room for an hour or two and probably may have one or two tender spots!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Dirt school!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Halfway there and botox for bikes?!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Lust and glitter........
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Danger from your own bike when you're not even on it!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Adding a sprinkling of Film Director glamour to the challenge.
I'm overexcited...........again!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Big boys don't cry........
.........though to be fair I didn't cry as much as explete on Saturday, though if I'm honest it was probably both!?! Transpires my moment of 'exasperation', shall we say, is on YouTube - if you want to see it though, I'll leave that up to you to find it!