We are so pleased to announce that we have doubled the target for fundraising, just a month in and we're just shy of £3000 already! So, £10,000 for GOSH and KidsCo - here we come! This week we're absolutely delighted to have gained the support of GB Racing (www.gbracing.eu)- crash protection gear (hope I don't need too much of that), headed up by Graham Banks. GB Racing has generously donated and their lovely logo will being going on the bikes.
This week the interview with Liz Rhodes at BBC Radio Cambridgeshire was broadcast, Monday 21st March at 12.20 and is still on iPlayer http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00fgqq7 - if you fancy a listen! I think I just about came out unscathed and sounding as if I sort of knew what I was talking about with regards to Enduro (jury might be out on that one!)?
I was also privileged to meet and be at an audience with Major Rupert Kitching and Lieutenant Charlie Pearson of the British Army. They have both served in Afghanistan and their experiences were truly humbling - both the harrowing and the exceedingly inspiring stories. One of the key messages that came across loud and clear was the undoubtable teamwork and collaboration of amazing proportions and in the sorts of circumstances that many of us (fortunately and thankfully) can't even imagine. Thanks to them and all the armed forces for all that they do.
Whilst, somewhat unlike the talents and abilities of a task force, it did get me thinking about the extraordinary things that a group of people can achieve when they galvanise and get behind something.
So, to all our wonderful supporters; TorqueRacing (www.torqueracing.net), ZeroNineMX (www.zeroninemx.com), GBRacing(www.gbracing.eu), Ocean One (www.oceanone.co.uk), The Wendy House (www.thewendyhouse.org.uk), Esse Retail & Spa (www.esse.uk.com), Special Little People (www.speciallittlepeople.co.uk), Dawson VA Services (www.dawsonvaservices.co.uk), BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and all the fabulous and generous individual donations which added together now sum just shy of £3000. Thank you so much!
And thanks of course to the team; Donna Gray, Martin Wittering, Gary Failletaz, John Kettley and Robin.
It's now just a little matter of being able to ride as competently and expertly as Henry aged 8, and learn as much as Tabs, also aged 8, did in an hour or so!
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