That was the title of the bestseller and 
so goes the expression..... Am feeling the fear for sure and whilst I have to say I'm enjoying the experience, it's for sure one of the steepest learning curves of my life and I'm perhaps finding it both very hard and tremendously exciting in equal measures. It's just under eight weeks until we go. Burst into tears today - something I don't do generally, lovely mate was there with tea and shoulder which was just what I needed. Thanks Caromy.
Whilst I'm finding this particular moment in the journey incredibly hard, this week I'm guest blogger for the GOSH blog Earlier this evening I was reading the heart-wrenching and amazing stories of the courage, bravery, love and steadfastness of children, parents and guardians alike. Truly humbling, inspiring and uplifting in the most difficult, challenging and tragic of situations. All the money that has been raised so far makes such a difference to the children at GOSH & KidsCo. The auction is two weeks away and counting.....
So, I am doing it anyway, not that I ever wasn't dear reader, I was just having a 'moment', feeling the fear perhaps!
As you will see from the pics, I have my leathers - I've always wanted some leathers and they smell great. However, didn't get them for smelling, obviously - just need the boots to go with. Don't know what 'Mary, Queen of Shops' would say but the bike shop in which I wanted to make a couple of purchases was shut when I ventured out, always shut on a Monday apparently! Bother!
The GasGas went to its first show (with me anyway) The Litlington Fete Bike Show; spot the odd one out - in the photo.. It was in a glorious line up of shiny, gleaming hogs, sportsbikes, roadsters.... lots of bike enthusiastic fabulousness. I said to Gary, I was a tad mortified that I'd turned up with a rather muddy bike. 'Authentic' was his response - I'm all for authenticity, so hurrah to that! I'd also mixed my own fuel! Thanks Martin, and Donna for the advice. There's hope for the old girl yet?!
On another petrol heady note, The European Cannonball run set off yesterday and I was invited to the off -how excitingly exciting - wasn't sure eight year old and two year old would have been quite as keen as their Mum however!
Biketruck Billy, and Jayson Sticking are in a Dodge Viper (love those cars 8.3 litre, 400bhp - lots of oomph - technical term?!). How cool is that! Anyway.... Pyrenees, bikes, practice, determination.....
So, road riding, which will generally help my bike confidence along the way, on Wednesday. Between now and then I need to get some boots from a retailer that's open for business?
GasGas is getting a new master cylinder or is it a slave? Talking of slaves - I was with a client this morning, who I think quite inadvertently made me laugh lots. Been chuckling since, but then maybe that's a warped sense of humour?!.
I was telling him about the challenge, the auction, he also suggested a mid life crisis - but we've covered that! Anyway, he said ' Oh, auctioning, 'Slaves for the day, that sort of thing?'.
Well, no actually, but there's a thought.......
So, if anyone's game.........?
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